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The Right to Vote

Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, and as a guardian or loved one of an individual with a developmental disability, you may have some questions about a person’s rights at the polls. As stated by the Voting Rights Act of 1965, individuals with developmental disabilities are afforded the same right of voting in elections as every other American citizen.

The Voting Rights Act allows for certain provisions to be made for individuals with disabilities as needed. All polling places are required to be wheelchair accessible. In the event that a polling station is not able to be made accessible, curbside voting must be offered so that the individual may vote from their car. The individual does not need to be their own guardian to be allowed to vote and is allowed to have someone assist them with their ballot if they are unable to read it or mark their selection, provided that that assistant is not an employer or a representative of a candidate or party. Under federal law, even if an individual is declared legally incompetent, they cannot be denied the right to vote except in very limited circumstances.

Voting registration can be done online through Ohio.gov or through your county board of elections. The state of Ohio requires a driver’s license or state ID card and a social security number to register. The deadline to register to vote is Monday, October 5. If the individual is unable to leave their home, they may request an absentee ballot. Due to COVID-19, it is even easier than ever to request an absentee ballot. An absentee ballot allows the individual to fill out their ballot at home and mail it in. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is 12:00 pm on Saturday, October 31. You can apply for an absentee ballot through Ohio.gov or your county board of elections. Polls are open from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm Election Day and absentee ballots must be postmarked by Monday, November 2, or turned in directly to the county board of elections by the polls’ close on Election Day.

At Secure Haven Care, we are committed to helping our clients lead vibrant and fulfilling lives. Our staff would be happy to assist you or your loved one with the voting process this year. For more information, visit Ohio.gov, DisabilityRightsOhio.org, or contact us directly.